Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gun Control

Gun Control, what does it mean? Does it mean that we as citizens of the Country are not able to have our voices heard because we are not amongst the wealthy? Or since the NRA has power on the Hill and we don't our voices become mute? We as a Nation must have our thoughts and ideas heard by OUR Government and they must listen for we are the majority. For so long our voices have not been heard, but now is the time to stand up for what we believe in!
Gun Control is needed, assault rifles are not! Too many people have died, how many more must give their lives in order for the wealthy gun lobbyists to keep their large checkbooks?
I am speaking out in the legal formats that allow me to. I pray everyone who feels the way I do speak up and let their voices be heard loud and strong! For we are a great Nation and are proud of the Freedom of Speech we cherish.